Does MTI equipment meet requirements for the ADA Section 44 ADA Tax Credit? | MTI

Specialized Equipment for Specialty Healthcare

Does MTI equipment meet requirements for the ADA Section 44 ADA Tax Credit?

Yes, however please consult your tax advisor for professional advise regarding the ADA Section 44 Tax Credit, since presently there is an unresolved difference of opinion regarding the availability of a ADA Section 44 Tax Credit for purchases of medical equipment.  However, MTI believes that a disabled access credit may be available to medical practices that have purchased MTI power table(s)/chair(s), because they enable such practices to facilitate access by disabled individuals.  Click here to download a handout that explains the ADA Section 44 Tax Credit and Section 179 Accelerated Depreciation.  This handout will also calculate an estimated cost of your MTI chair or table by using these two tax benefits.

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