Medical Chair and Medical Accessory Videos | MTI

Specialized Equipment for Specialty Healthcare

Product Videos

550 Podiatry/Wound Care Chair

MTI 830 and 550 ComfortSync

MTI 550

721 Surgery Chair

MTI 721


MTI TC Cabinets

MTI MTCDV-2 Cabinet

MTI MTC Cabinet


MTI Stools

MTI Side Chairs


MTI G2 Lumerus Accessory Lights

MTI Clarus Exam Lights

Upholstery & Accessories

MTI G2 Duplex Outlet

MTI G2 FC Slant Mount

MTI Fall 2020 Promotion

MTI G2 Forearm Support

MTI G2 Generator Brackets

MTI G2 Headrests

MTI G2 IV Rods

MTI G2 Mayo Trays

MTI G2 Paper Roll Holder

MTI G2 Rail Mount

MTI G2 Stirrups

MTI G2 Straps

MTI G2 Transfer Support

MTI G2 Arms


Leg Wrap Video

829/830 Exam/Procedure Chairs

MTI 830 and 550 ComfortSync

MTI 830 and 829

MTI Technology

MTI’s SmartTech™

Little Boy Leaning Back in Chair

Let’s Talk About Tilt

MTI 464 ComfortSync

MTI – The Company

Company Video

705/710 Consult Chairs

MTI 705 and 710

463/464 Exam/Procedure Chairs

MTI 464 ComfortSync

MTI 464 and 463