Staying ADA Compliant is Easier with MTI | MTI

Specialized Equipment for Specialty Healthcare

Improve access to care for people with disabilities

Staying ADA Compliant is Easier with MTI

Updating your chairs to comply with current ADA regulatory standards for examination chairs is as easy as a typical order when you choose MTI.

HHS and the DOJ will start enforcing ADA Standards in Q4 2024.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) and the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) issued final rulings requiring medical and dental offices, clinics, emergency rooms, hospitals, and other healthcare settings, to comply with the 2017 U.S. Access Board’s Standards for Accessible Medical Diagnostic Equipment (the “Standards”), such as your examination chairs.1

Ensure your organization is staying ahead of regulatory requirements.

  1. 1 HHS requires facilities receiving federal funding assistance, including payments from Medicare, Medicaid,and CHIP, to meet the Standards at each facility location by July 8, 2026. Any examination chair acquired after July 8, 2024 must meet the Standards until your requirements are met.
  2. 2 DOJ requires state and local governments to meet the Standards at each facility location by August 9, 2026. Any examination chair acquired after October 8, 2024 must meet the Standards until your requirements are met.
  3. 3 To help implement these Standards, the IRS has issued Section 44 Disabled Access Credit (also known as the ADA Tax Credit), which may provide a tax credit of up to $5,000 for ADA Compliant examination chairs.

Navigating the necessary requirements to stay compliant.

You can be certain your examination chairs meet the ADA Standards by following the new requirements provided below.

  • A medical chair with an entry height of 18.75 inches.

    17" – 19" Entry Height

    Measured at highest point on transfer surface in an uncompressed upholstery state. MTI's entry height is 18.75".

  • A medical chair with the required ADA transfer surface sizing.

    21"×17" Transfer Surface

    Chairs must have a transfer surface (seat) that is at least 21" wide and 17" deep.

  • A medical chair with the required ADA transfer surface sizing.

    Transfer Support

    A transfer support which meets the Standards.

  • A medical chair with leg supports meeting the ADA/MDE standards.

    Leg Supports

    Where stirrups are required, leg supports which meet the Standards.

  • A medical chair with front and side transfer sides to meet ADA requirements.

    2 Transfer Sides (Front and Side)

    Chairs must provide transfer on two adjoining sides (front and side) of the transfer surface.

  • A medical chair with opposing transfer sides meeting ADA/MDE requirements.

    2 Transfer Sides (Opposing Sides)

    There is an exception for chairs where the transfer surface is obstructed by a fixed footrest (such as ENT, Dental and Podiatry chairs). Chairs must provide transfer on opposing sides of the transfer surface.

Use our expertise

Compliance can be confusing. We’re here to help.

Contact an MTI Solutions Advisor to learn more about our family of compliant products and find the right specialty equipment for your practice.

Related Links

This information is not to be construed as legal advice and does not contain all examination chair requirements. For more details, contact HHS or the DOJ.

¹ 45 CFR 84, 89 FR 40066 and 28 CFR Part 35, 89 FR 65180.
Section 44 Disabled Access Credit. See IRS Form 8826 for details and consult your tax advisor.